单词 hallmark 例句大全,用单词hallmark造句:

The new government plans to curtail big government construction projects, a hallmark of the LDP.
Sculpted out of a whole piece of white jade, this statue is the hallmark treasure of this temple.
Care for people with a disability is an important hallmark of a civilized and progressive society.
Its hallmark is the advance of negative interest rates and negative bond yields across the continent.
It has its roots in ancient Greek civilization, and it is often considered the hallmark of democracy.
它起源于古希腊城邦, 通常被认为是民主的保证。
A hallmark of civilization is the exercise of generous impulses and actions towards those less fortunate.
Such a complex association between creatures of four species has the hallmark of an ecologic happy family.
It was here that Sir Harry acquired his hallmark virtuosity in almost every aspect of newspaper production.
正是在这里, 哈罗德爵士学到了报纸业几乎所有的事情。
Panniculitis is a group of diseases whose hallmark is inflammation of subcutaneous fatty and muscle tissue.
The hallmark of the disorder is an acute necrotizing inflammation of the vessel media with fibrinoid necrosis.
The hallmark of the inflammatory process is a four to fivefold, or more, elevation of serum transaminase levels.
血清转胺酶浓度升高45倍以上, 是炎症过程的标志。
The hallmark of a neobiological civilization is that it returnsthe designs of its creations toward the organic, again.
Tolerance of differing views is a hallmark of a mature society. NOTE This article reflects the personal view of the author.
Large corporations-including Coca Cola, Eastman Kodak, General Motors, and Hallmark-have already signed up to fund further investigations.

单词 hallmark 释义

  • 单词释义:检验印记;特点,标志;质量证明  [更多..]



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