单词 hello 例句大全,用单词hello造句:

Good morning, Pluto! Hello, Goofy! Hi, Jasmine! Hello, Aladdin!
早上好, 布鲁托!你好!高飞!嗨, 茉莉!你好, 阿拉丁!
Mouse Hello, rabbit. Hello, hamster, Squeak, squeak, lets play!
做出非常伤心的样子, 然后走开
Hello, Mr. Parson. I'm Gao Ming from the Foreign Affairs Office.
你好, 帕尔森先生。我是外事办公室的高明。
Hello. This is an emergency. Could you please send an ambulance?
Hello, I am for aesthetic and surgery, come from Toronto, canada.
Hello, we are absolutely zero planning agency, is pleased with you.
你好, 我们是绝对零度策划机构, 很高兴与你合作。
Hello, Xiao Wang! What is the payroll agency service of your bank ?
您好, 小王。贵行提供的代发工资业务是怎么回事?
Hello. I am calling from intercontinental airlines. Is this Mr. Lin
Hello, I want to apply for the position advertised in Sunday's paper.
你好, 我想申请星期日报纸广告上那个职位。
Hello Kitty, Garfield, and Snoopy have many adult fans around the world.
Hello, biceps! You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you.
Hello, can you tell me how I can apply for family allowance for my children
Aloha means greetings! Say hello, and introduce yourself and your dolls here!
在这里介绍一下自己和你的娃娃吧, 好让娃友们认识认识!
I wish to reiterate that my previous warning of being on hello gh alert remains.
我希望重申, 以前保持高度警戒的警告依然有效。
Yes, the aircraft soon landed six hours of flight time is coming to an end Hello!
Xiaowu says hello to to maple leaf post a letter, such, two people were acquainted.
小武给枫叶发信问好, 就这样, 两人相识了。
Hello, I would like to open an account, but I do not know what account it should be.
Tang Wei lusty aftertaste, salty and slightly acid, such as hello more vinegar acid.
回味糖味浓厚, 咸中略酸, 如喜酸可多加醋。
Hello everyone, I was a little pineapple, my ancestors came from South America, Brazil.
First of all, to the End of the World Forum administrators and moderators who say hello.
Hello, Anna! Thank you for sending me the congratulation cards, you are always considerate.
你好, 安娜!谢谢你的贺卡。你真是个有心人!
Hello. Im answering the ad in the paper about your car. And I wonder if it is still available.
Edward Hello, I wonder if my friend and I can sing karaoke without reserving a room in advance.
你好, 请问一下, 我和朋友没预定, 还有包间吗?
Hello, I just want to implant eyebrows Advisory beauty salons are a few Only embroidered eyebrow.
Hello high are you? Yes, well that explains it Oh you were walking round like some kind of angel.

单词 hello 释义

  • 单词释义:哈喽,喂;你好,您好;表示问候;打招呼  [更多..]



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