I am a little snowman, short and fat, here is my broomstick, here is my hat.
我是一个小雪人圆又胖, 我有一把扫帚还有一顶帽。
Here are many reefs! You should be careful if you are driving your boat here!
So here is that object and here is the string and a pulley and here a string.
Here was father playing marbles on a roof. Here was Sol serving ace after ace.
Here, see you the holist inherence!Here, succeed the best century predestined!
注有时比较忙, 回信可能不及时, 望见谅!
I am blessed to be here indeed, and I solute you for the work that you do here.
It is Mayflower down here. It is Washington here, building, building countries.
So you could have the staircase here and thats the way this person could go here.
Travelers here often can find out cheap things here, so it is always crowded here.
If you look down here, it's fine. If you look up here, then you get conflicting data.
Here's vulnerability, here's grief, here's shame, here's fear, here's disappointment.
So what you've got to imagine here is this animal here moving across the African veld.
你可以把蜣螂的旅程想象成 穿越非洲大草原。
The site for the tomb was chosen to be here not just because of the nice scenery here.
哎, 皇陵选在这里可不光是因为这里景色好。
Here is the beaver. And here is the stream , and the aspen and the alder and the willow.
这里是海狸, 这里是水流, 这里则是白杨, 赤杨和柳树。
Here's something where we're sort of integrating a bunch of different capabilities here.
这里是我们整合 大量不同的功能
You are captured by me, princess will also come here and being killed at here, I won it!
And there aren't a lot of glaciers here, except on the high mountains here in East Africa.
CO Right, so you take the co here, and we take the valence here, and out of that comes covalent.
I would lie here in the darkness I would lie here for all time I would lie here watching over you
我总是关注你, 即使是在黑暗中为你歌唱
Okay, here comes a bloody one. Cheetah caught a gazelle. I, I am not here for you food. Im leaving now.
I arrive here am the hope and here stationmaster obtain the relation, and exchange friendship connection.
Here is the atomic nitrogen, here is the atomic nitrogen and these are the orbitals of molecular nitrogen.
Here numerously develops extremely rapidly, attracted themultitudinous foreign merchant to come here to invest.
这里济济发展十分迅速, 吸引了众多的外商来这里投资。
Here, here, she said, and she led him into the conservatory, to the place where she had hidden between the tubs.
她说道, 把他领到花房里她躲匿过的花桶之间。
Alright. So we did this problem here, and now lets draw the phase diagram for our solute here, B or for B, rather.