单词 herein 例句大全,用单词herein造句:

Herein, our club acknowledges great thanks to each friend who bestows support and ncouragement to us.
Herein, we investigated saliva secretion from submandibular gland allografts in beagle dogs. METHODS.
在此, 我们研究了小猎犬移植的下颌腺的唾液分泌情况。
In the arrangement described herein the quantisation noise and the thermal noise are reduced together.
Nothing herein contained authorizes the licensee to do any act which an infringement of any copyright.
Any prior agreement, written or verbal is deemed merged herein and shall be superseded by this agreement.
Article 42 All account books, receipts and administrative balance herein are exempt from taxes and duties.
第42条本保险之一切帐册 单据及业务收支,均免课税捐。
The parties agree that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference.
Herein, classification, characteristics and application of electrodeposited composite coatings were reviewed.
Immediately prior to paint application, the surface shall comply with the degree of cleaning specified herein.
The Supplier shall guarantee that the supplied equipment is in full compliance with this the requirements herein.
Theoretical analysis and calculation on the acoustic properties of perforated panel absorber were described herein.
registered capital, which shall be no less than the minimum amount as prescribed in the preceding paragraph herein.
低限额, 但不得少于前款规定的限额。
This Documentary Credit available with yourselves by payment against presentation of the documents detailed herein.
The exporter of the aforesaid petroleum byproducts must be properly registered in accordance with Article 15 herein.
前项输出, 应依第十五条规定办理登记。
The terms and conditions contained herein have been arranged in particular clauses and paragraphs for convenience only.
If it is discovered that an approval given is not in compliance with the requirements prescribed herein, it shall be revoked.
Should either party fail to implement the terms and conditions herein, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement.
Earth detecting radar is described herein as to its working principle, operation, and the theory of antenna array technology.
The tax authorities shall maintain confidentiality for informants and award them in accordance with the relevant provisions herein.
The obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall not be discharged except by payment in full of the obligations as herein provided.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, having fully understood the contents of the Contract stated herein, have signed this agreement.
在见证下, 双方签署本契约。
Nothing herein shall prevent Buyer from providing its own representation at its own expense in the event of litigation against Buyer.
In accordance with the water diverting project plan, the preliminary results from the analysis on the combined water utilization are described herein.
The tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing the several covenants herein on his part contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises.
Please note that nothing herein contained shall be binding on both parties unless and until the formal Tenancy Agreement has been signed by both parties thereto and exchanged.
请注意, 里不包含对双方具有约束力的任何条款。

单词 herein 释义



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