单词 heeds 例句大全,用单词heeds造句:

He who ignores correction despises himself, he who heeds the reprimand acquires discernment.
听从规劝的, 必获得机智。
You should never fight the band that heeds you.
He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.
弃绝管教的, 必致贫受辱。领受责备的, 必得尊荣。
At first blush Mr Nasheeds notion seems a bit over the top.
52 Cases of the painful heeds treated the external application of cactus and alum
the first time a woman weds she heeds her parents, the second time her own desire
初嫁从亲, 再嫁由身

单词 heeds 释义

  • 单词释义:留心,注意,听从( heed的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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