单词 hurries 例句大全,用单词hurries造句:

Jackals sizing up prey. Andy breaks free, flushed and shaking. He hurries off, leaving the three Sisters laughing.
Defense trial lawyer is stunned, hurries to support by the arm them.
He hurries to spry the stove ash on it.
Mother smiles and hurries to take a big block of cotton.
妈妈听了笑起来, 赶紧拿出一大块儿棉花缝呀缝。
Paul has filled a box with canned goods and hurries out.
保罗装了一箱罐头食品, 急匆匆走了出去。
At this moment the cannon of the harbor is heard firing, and Suzuki hurries in, saying that it is a warship.
就在这时港口一声炮响, 铃木跑进来说是一艘军舰。
Guilt always hurries towards its complement, i. e. punishment, only there does its satisfaction lie.
犯罪总很快得到相应的惩罚, 只有处罚才能使犯罪得到偿还。
If you also have these doubts, that hurries downward to look.
如果您也有这些疑惑, 那就赶紧往下看吧。
These three dreams some profound meanings, scholar second days hurriesinterpreting a dream as if which looks tells fortunes.
Therefore, hurries the under superfluous facial skin upward to raise!
Tommy shoves the book in his back pocket and hurries over.
汤米把书塞进口袋, 赶忙干活。

单词 hurries 释义

  • 单词释义:仓促(做某事)( hurry的第三人称单数 );催促;(朝某方向)迅速移动;迅速处理  [更多..]



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