单词 Center 例句大全,用单词Center造句:

Church members volunteered their labor to create a hospital in an abandoned shopping center. We had to rewire the building, replumb it.
If the abdomen, should take the navel as a center.
若是腹部, 应以肚脐眼为中心。
it is a center with navel, left hand is anticlockwise massage abdomen 100 or above.
以肚脐为中心, 左手逆时针按摩腹部100次或以上。
Then she pressed the blade to the skin and made her incision, straight down the center of the abdomen.
然后她在伤者腹部中心位置的皮肤上下刀, 划开一道。
Measuring and controlling the edge thickness difference and center aberration With projector
I have read the Primary School Reading Center Regulation, and I agree to abide by it.
本人已阅亲子阅读培训中心会员使用规则, 并同意遵守。
It has to be able to come off of the centerline and then be able to work back toward that centerline.
Construction Technology of Ultra Large and Abnormal Shaped Jack Beam for Nanjing Olympic Sports Center
These stations and centers are either on land or aboard ships.
I have read the Center Regulation, and I agree to abide by it.
本人已阅中心会员使用规则, 并同意遵守。
The purulent exudate with some hemorrhage is seen at the right in the abscess center.
The velocity of the center of mass is constant in the absence of external forces.
在无外力时, 质心的速度是常量。
KINGSTON absolute good location, ITC core economic centers.
Garbage Center to absorb private funds
Equipped with standard adjustment to absorb center.
The swimming pool of Sydney's Aquatic Center is extra wide to absorb wave energy.
悉尼水上中心的泳池很宽, 可以吸收波能。
absorption center
Calculations on Absorption Energy Levels of Electron Trapped Color Centers in Alkali Halides
Take just the right amount of in the disguise cotton or center of palm of hand, lightly massage to keep go to complete absorption.
He admitted himself into a rehab center in order to abstain from alcohol.
Afterward IT were able to approach Tom in a abundance centered and accepting way.
The golden autumn ten months, the annual net abundant will convene in the Beijing Exhibition Center.
金秋十月, 一年一度的网博会又将在北京展览馆召开。
The golden autumn ten months,the annual net abundant will convene in the Beijing Exhibition Center.
There has recently been evidence that the center is trying to get a grip on the most flagrant abuses of the system.
最近, 中央显然试图控制最公然的制度践踏。
Meanwhile, it is the center of academic ideas.

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