单词 dorms 例句大全,用单词dorms造句:

Students can apply to become resident assistants after living in the dorms for a year.
在宿舍住满一年后, 学生可以申请成为居民助理。
Students can apply to become resident assistant assistants after living in the dorms for a year.
The next morning, each one went down to get breakfast in the dining hall of their respective dorms.
Rachel was excited to be moving into the dorms at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California.
Student canteen and dorms of South China Normal University
华师大学饭堂, 学生宿舍综合楼
It is safe and convenient to live in school dorms.
Anyone know if SNU’s dorms have a curfew? I don’t wanna move into the dorms if I have to be home early every night. I’d rather cough up some extra money and live in a studio.
Sun Dorms opposite is Moon Dorm.
This year, Jilin University announced a ban on freshmen bringing computers to their dorms.
今年, 吉林大学宣布禁令, 严禁大一新生在宿舍中使用电脑。
In our spare time, we invite the foreign teachers to visit our dorms.
课余时间, 我们请外教们来我们的宿舍做客。
Some students live in the dorms.

单词 dorms 释义

  • 单词释义:宿舍( dorm的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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