单词 DOZ 例句大全,用单词DOZ造句:

What a cheap in BeiJing, watermelon are a dime a dozen.
Abbot no option but to dozens of monks summons, so that leaves another point.
In addition, dozens more Palestinians were abducted and detained this week by the occupying forces.
You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs.
She looked at the clock a dozen times and started absurdly when it struck the hour.
Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
By February of this year, he finally had given up smoking, a habit which had accompanied him for dozens of years.
A dozen accounts of our boss all disappeared. All the farmed gold was still there.
我们老板得许多账号也未能幸免, 号上得金币都没了。
Accumulate a dozen eggs every time, I sell fund with respect to meeting go off with.
每次累积到一打蛋, 我就会拿去卖钱。
I went half a dozen times to hear him preach and got very well acquainted with his theology.
我听他布道有五, 六次, 对他的神学很熟悉。
Fueled by wind and low humidity, the blaze charred dozens of acres.
What we've been finding across dozens of studies and thousands of participants across this country is that as a person's levels of wealth increase.
全国范围内的 大量研究都表明 当一个人的财富增加时
We've pieced a trail across a dozen states.
Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a pap them to Robert.
我一时冲动, 逮了几十只, 装进一去找罗伯特。
He said authorities have put dozens of AIDS activists under house arrest or surveillance.
他说, 当局软禁或监视了一批艾滋病活动分子。
The whereabouts of over a dozen of other activists taken away by the police remain unknown.
In the ad business good ideas are a dime a dozen. Everybody has them.
At this end of the month we added a dozens of items again.
Dozens of new quests have been added to light's hope.
Dozens of other alphabets are likely to be added in coming years.
The affected students felt dozy and vomiting, he added.
他还表示, 受影响的学生感到困倦, 有呕吐的感觉。
On top of having been a drunk, my husband had been addicted to smoking for dozens of years.
You've had a dozen different Taiwan email addresses.
As basketball's spokesman, he was featured on dozens of ads in magazines and on TV.
A STUDY ON THE BIONIC PLOW MOLDBOARD OF REDUCING SOIL ADHESION AND PLOWING RESISTANCE Initial Exploring for Mechanism of Decreasing Resistance and Reducing Adhesion of the Bionic Bulldozing plates

单词 DOZ 释义

  • 单词释义:dioctyl azelate 壬二酸二辛酯  [更多..]



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