On the goods shelves of one horn, diaper and beer are awesomely together sell.
Have a super Merry Christmas, an awesomely Happy New Year, and God bless everybody!
The crowd, orderly, awesomely hushed, had filled the square.
人群挤满了广场, 他们秩序井然, 噤若寒蝉。
Xiaoming classeses are over come home, discover mom and a man are on the bed awesomely.
小明放学回家, 赫然发现妈妈和一个男人在床上。
That's why we found this awesomely simple DIY Blood Type Test Kit.
The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive.
这里地势平坦, 其视野之开阔令人敬畏。