单词 Benefit 例句大全,用单词Benefit造句:

Among the benefits of family planning services are decreasing maternal mortality and decreasing of abandoned children.
Sometimes dignity is not easy to achieve. It can be abandoned for some benefits or be an undeserved reputation. In general, common people are enthusiastic about angling for fame and honor.
Strict management, have the resource for business Manage with faith, abandon benefit because of the honor.
The moxa benefit wants to query full abdomen words, yet is stopped at her, can instinctively listen memories.
Everyone will then be able to benefit from it.
On the Costs and Benefits of Abiding by the Law
We will abolish student loans and restore student entitlement to housing benefit and income support.
It is the middle cla that will benefit most if we abolish estate duty.
取消遗产税后, 最大的得益者是中产。
Africa can absorb so much more and all countries would benefit from this.
非洲可以吸纳更多, 所有国家都可从中受益。
In order for you to benefit from a multivitamin, your body must be able to absorb the nutrients.
为让维生素片对你有益, 你的身体必须要能吸收营养。
Distinctly Analyze the Target of Invested and Absorbed Capital, Improve the Benefits of Invested and Absorbed Capital
But even couples who practice abstinence can benefit from learning about condoms.
The concept of value in economics is an abstract of People's material benefits.
The appropriate implement of mathematical symbol language will benefit the mathematical abstract thinking.
The US economy is indeed producing abundantly, but who is benefiting ?
美国经济的确在大幅增长,但是谁受益 呢?
The US economy is indeed producing abundantly, but who is benefiting?
美国经济得确在大幅增长,但是谁受益 呢?
Nobody is authorized to abuse his power to violate people's benefits.
In handling tax reductions or exemptions, all tax authorities at various levels shall implement laws and regulations impartially, and may not abuse their authority for selfish benefits.
He abused the system in order to reap personal benefits.
Audio and other AC applications benefit from the wide bandwidth and low distortion.
On academic research, academy's successes about unjustified benefits system sees neither much.
It is hard to gauge how much Tang has benefited, if at all, from the academic credentials he claimed to possess.
Benefit of economy and society from the achievement of the thesis academic attribution of achievement.
To learn more about the benefits of exercise, visit the American Academy of Family Physicians.
欲知更多有关运动带来的好处, 请浏览美国家庭医师医学会。
Although the pace of housing reform is being accelerated, the old method of allocating housing through benefits has still has not been broken through.

单词 Benefit 释义



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