单词 breaks 例句大全,用单词breaks造句:

Factoring in the amount of abdominal fat revealed a link between big bellies and breaks in the women.
Haitao breaks away from royal reason is, royal a few concepts and he is abhorrent.
Language itself breaks down before the final abyss.
Among them a monkey breaks up particularly vigorously, ate many peach accordingly.
其中一只猴子翻得特别起劲, 因此吃到了不少桃子。
Does your heart ache and breaks when hes sad
他不开心的时侯, 你的心会痛那才是爱。
Does your heart ache and breaks when shes sad
她不开心的时侯, 你的心会痛那才是爱。
Another head aches, another heart breaks.
And I know it aches, and how my heart it breaks.
Anyone who breaks the rules will face disciplinary action.
The actual results have no line breaks, and are crammed together all on one line.
The actual this kind of development is take the basis which digs breaks oneself settles down and gets on with life as the price.
During my breaks from ad work, I started composing original songs because I was bored.
在不进行广告演出的时候, 我出于烦闷, 开始为原创歌曲谱曲。
He adds power, he adds friends, he adds faith and he adds a lot of what you call lucky breaks.
Outbreaks in additional states are currently under investigation.
But outbreaks and sporadic importations continue to affect an additional four countries in Africa.
但是, 疫情和零星输入情况继续影响到非洲另外四个国家。
Oxytocin breaks down in the gut, so oral administration has no effect on the brain.
催产素会在胃肠道中被破坏, 因此口服对脑产生不了作用
In advanced stages of shock, the outer cell membrane often breaks up and the cell dies.
在休克的进展阶段, 最外面的细胞膜往往溃散而细胞死亡。
The adventitious roots breaks out profusely on the4 year old stocks grown from suckers.
Conduct propaganda of one care opinion breaks biased, adverse to village group cadre.
一忧舆论宣传失之偏颇, 对村组干部不利。
The system restores is to be in advocate a of computer of the rescue after the system breaks down effective tool.
Most affected countries have been very open about new outbreaks.
Occurring mostly in primary schools and nurseries, the outbreaks have affected predominantly children and infants.
The current wave of cholera outbreaks started several weeks ago in West Africa.
Bird flu outbreaks continue in Africa, Asia, Europe and Near East
In West Africa, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo have had outbreaks in2007.

单词 breaks 释义

  • 单词释义:打破,折断,弄坏( break的第三人称单数 );(使)破;打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变  [更多..]



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