单词 the rest 例句大全,用单词the rest造句:

It embraced a decadence and an abandon that set it apart from the rest of Egypt.
这里拥抱着某种颓废和狂放, 让它有别于埃及的其它地方。
In ability he towers over the rest of them.
就能力而言, 他远远胜过他们中的其他人。
They'll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details.
Then shall I make the rest of it into an abomination ?
这剩下得, 我岂要作成可憎得物 么?
Fiftyfive per cent gave birth, 29 per cent had abortions and the rest miscarried.
What about the rest?
Most students were absent from the lesson, he was among the rest.
那节课, 大多数学生都缺席了, 他也是其中一个。
An absolute KILLER that will fool the best of them and utterly amaze the rest!
That's absolutely ridiculous! mary interjected, refusing to listen to the rest of his suggestions.
Duret , and the rest of the Academic Team at Talk HQ.
The leader loses ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.
The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.
Just rotate and the accelerometer does the rest.
There is no wheelchair access into the restaurant.
The Number and the Position of Business Network Nodes and The Restricted Access
企业网络中结点数目, 地位与限制性进入
To access the rest, you flick up a screen that holds all your applications.
要访问其余的部分, 你只需要轻敲屏幕上的所有程序。
The rest of the servants are told the fire accidentally by a candle falling.
其余仆人则被告知, 火因一根蜡烛倒下而偶然引起。
The rest of the servants are told the fire was accidentally caused by a candle falling.
其余仆人则被告知, 火是因一根蜡烛倒下而偶然引起。
An accommodating magistrate would do the rest.
The rest of the audience, sensing a need for accommodation.
Once this central task the consolidation of the Party has been accomplished, the rest will follow.
只要抓住整党这个中心环节, 各个方面的整顿就不难。
If man had remained a hunter, none of the rest of his accomplishments have been possible.
如果人类仍停留在狩猎时期, 那他后来的成就是不可能的。
The colors of the restaurant accorded well in his opinion.
The rest are delivered in SRCCES according to the schedule formerly designed.
According to Nizam, some aspects of the restaurant should never change.
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单词 the rest 释义



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