单词 honored with 例句大全,用单词honored with造句:

A formal statement of the accomplishments of one being honored with an academic degree.
Several of our teachers and students were honored with awards from the ACS, as listed below.
本校多位师生荣获大会颁奖, 其名单如下。
And so, Sophie was honored with the Cesar for Most Promising Actress, in 1983.
苏菲也因此在1983年获得了恺撒奖 最有前途女演员奖。
Nobody dared to annoy one whom he honored with his countenance.
Winners were honored with the a crown of olive leaves placed around their heads.
Even the women folk are honored with the same honorific title of Elder Brother,in the same manner as their husbands are addressed. This is a custom among their nobility.
Now, each one of them is honored with a signature design in the Limited Edition Oris Jazz Series.
Anna Jarvis thought mothers should be honored with expressions of love and respect.
安娜 贾维斯认为母亲们应该受到爱和敬意般情感的尊重。
I hope to be honored with further orders.
如蒙惠顾, 不胜荣幸。
I hope to be honored with further orders .
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单词 honored with 释义



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