单词 get the better of 例句大全,用单词get the better of造句:

These verbs mean to get the better of an adversary.
You always get the better of me at chess.
Proud that in a cause of compassion and honour, he had been able to get the better of himself.
骄傲的是, 他竟会一本同情之心, 崇尚义气, 委曲求全。
On timeline,ask 1998 decisive battle is sent get the better of,complete 1999 round off.
To his depress, he never get the better of their quarrels.
Because Warlocks were the first who managed to get the better of Black Dragons using magic.
I may have let my sense of duty get the better of me.
She didn't allow her emotions to get the better of her.
Your emotions may get the better of you.
Enrol in order to not have get the better of have action, change trival for simple, richer human nature turns the product, the life more touch is light.
以无招胜有招, 化繁琐为简单, 产品更富人性化, 生活更感轻松。
I allowed my feelings to get the better of me.
Few people can get the better of him.
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单词 get the better of 释义

  • 单词释义:占上风,胜过…  [更多..]



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