单词 asides 例句大全,用单词asides造句:

Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.
With the asides, the audience can know the inner activities of the players on the stage.
通过背躬, 观众可以知道台上演员得心理活动。
Those asides, which the characters deliver to the audience, do not really suit the screen.
Numerous asides to the audience help to bring them into the play.
Basides, authors selfcitation rates in disciplines of humanities and social sciences were lower than natural sciences.
而且, 人文社会科学著者自引率比自然科学要低。
Her conversation was laced with witty asides.
CAN understand jokes, asides and cultural allusions.
能听懂笑话, 俚语及典故。
In fact some asides in the first few paragraphs almost deserve full articles themselves.
事实上, 前几段的一些论点几乎概括了整篇文章。

单词 asides 释义

  • 单词释义:旁白,低声说的话,离题话( aside的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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