单词 ANTI 例句大全,用单词ANTI造句:

a watch wanting a minute hand.
A genuine antique from a reproduction.
If there are fabricated brother slanting Aaron. Sweet Lord. To assassinate the murderer against five ray invited the destroyer.
Avanti che i monti fossero nati e che tu avessi formato la terra e il mondo, anzi, ab eterno in eterno, tu sei Dio.
The new car model comes with ABS anti - lock brakes, too, far removed in theory and practice from the dodgy18 drum brakes that, when applied, often caused the old Beetle to lurch19 sideways.
Machines for calculating fixed numerical tasks, such as the abacus, have existed since antiquity.
Material World Weekly science conversation, on everything from archaeology to zoology, from abacus to the antipodean rodent zyzomys, by way of meteorites.
题目是物质世界, 其实这是个纯自然的节目, 比较讲究科学性。
Finally Iran had to abandon neutrality and joined the Allies in a unique way in the Anti Fascist war.
伊朗最终以特殊的形式, 参与了这场伟大的反法西斯战争。
It was an anticlimax when they abandoned the game.
Newton says he has abandoned the infinitesimal or infinitely small quantity.
The time has come to abandon the romantic view of Imperial history.
Billy, not wanting to abandon his friend, builds an Indian cot to drag Deans behind the horse.
I vow to never settle or abandon myself in romantic partnerships again.
我发誓, 我不会把自己再次扔进并沉湎与浪漫爱情之中。
Should America and Europe abandon any pretense of even wanting to promote democracy abroad?
Quantitative Analysis on Interspecific Relationships among the Dominant of Plant Communities Populations of Abandoned Land in Guandi Mountains, Shanxi
Captain von Trapp Enchanting little tune.Something you learned at the abbey
很动听的曲调, 在修道院学的吗?
The old abbey ruins look very romantic in the moonlight.
Built in 1773, the temple once had an abbot to supervise the monks work, such as chanting scriptures at the Buddhist temples in Changchunyuan.
Analysis on Abbreviating Tongue Induced by Antipsychotics
NATO is the abbreviation for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NATO 是英文 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 的缩写。
The Acceptance, Choice and Abdication of Romantism in the May Fourth New Literature
五四新文学对浪漫主义的接受, 选择与弃绝
With some of the best antispasmodic drug, can lower abdomen Fu heat, cold bogey.
it is a center with navel, left hand is anticlockwise massage abdomen 100 or above.
以肚脐为中心, 左手逆时针按摩腹部100次或以上。
Treatment of malignantic dropsy of thoracic cavity or abdominal cavity with infusion chemotherapy and local hyperthermia
Study of the Antioxidation Effect of Calcium Antagonist in Rat Abdominal Skin Flap

单词 ANTI 释义

  • 单词释义:ace/toxy-N-trimethylamm onium iodide 乙酰氧基-N-三甲基碘化铵  [更多..]



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