单词 gazetteers 例句大全,用单词gazetteers造句:

The Departmental Gazetteers of the Southern Capital of Ming China
Of course, the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Song books, citing the record is not limited to the local gazetteers.
当然, 明清书籍援引宋的记载, 并不限于方志。
A period of time, I began to pay attention along the southeast coast of the Ming and Qing gazetteers.
一个时期内, 我开始注意东南沿海的明清方志。
A real emphasis on theand Qing gazetteers, and the extensive use was started in Mr.

单词 gazetteers 释义

  • 单词释义:地名索引,地名词典( gazetteer的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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