单词 Gt 例句大全,用单词Gt造句:

A centimeter is a unit of length.
A metre is a measure of length and a kilogram is a measure of weight.
米是长度单位, 公斤是重量单位。
A metre is a unit of length and a kilogram is a unit of weight.
米是长度单位, 而公斤是重量单位。
a lengthy title of a book.
a measure of the strength of a magnetic field over a given area
A meter is a measure of length.
I would desribe myself as a dreamer, a perfectionist, a Artist and a modern Limeligt.
A metre and a haft in length and as thick as a man's arm.
Roland was taken aback by our strength of feeling.
The Necessity of Strengthening Calculation with Abacus in High Vocational Education
Look up to the Longtan, such as Abas million Fei Bao Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.
仰望龙潭, 飞瀑如珠玑万斛直落九天, 蔚为壮观。
We must abate expenditure longtermly.
Seeds abaxially with margined furrow for 12 of length.
Petals unequal in length, 68 mm, abaxially puberulent, incised at apices.
花瓣不等长, 68毫米, 背面的被微柔毛, 锐裂的在顶端。
By her wise and virtuous conduct, she was at length made lady abbess of this convent
由于禀性聪慧, 品德高尚, 她终于当了这个女修道院的院长。
The Abbot had no love of such feeding frenzies and lengthened his strides.
议员对这样的疯食十分反感, 加快了步伐。
Be restricted to express print length place only, pretended to be bigger abbreviate, undeserved place, be in charge of by complier.
只为表刊篇幅所限, 故作了较大删节, 不当之处, 由编者负责。
Grow trigonometry, the abbreviation of delta of the Yangtse River.
长三角, 长江三角洲之简称。
In this case, that maximum length is 2, which is the understood postal abbreviation for a state in the United States.
在本例中, 最大长度是2, 这表示美国各个州的邮政缩写。
Anal sinus about 12 length of abdomen.
Swimming strengthens your lower back and abdomen without putting strain on your joints.
游泳增强你的下背部和腹部力量, 放松关节。
Exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Reversed crunches, develops hip flex and abdominal strength.
仰卧腿上举, 增强臀部和腹部力量。
Ration twist, develops side torso, abdominal and low back strength.
Strike leg flat kick, develops abdominal, hip flex, upper leg and low back strength.

单词 Gt 释义

  • 单词释义:G-protein transducin G蛋白转运素;Groot (Afrikaans=big, large, vast) (布尔语)大;大的;巨大的  [更多..]



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