单词 IQS 例句大全,用单词IQS造句:

Toddlers whose mothers had taken valproate IQs of 92, on average.
But people who have modest IQs also benefit from education, as does society.
但中等智力的人士也同样受益于教育, 全社会亦是如此。
Toddlers with high exposure to the flame retardants have lower IQs, according to one study.
It's been observed that people with lower IQs are generally more likely to suffer from PTSD.
据观察, 低智商者更容易患创伤后压迫紊乱症。
There's no denying that many people who are generally considered to be geniuses also have high IQs.

单词 IQS 释义

  • 单词释义:Institute of Quality Surveyors 质量检查员协会;Institute of Quantity Surveyors <英国>(建筑)估算师学会;integrated quality system 综合质量系统  [更多..]



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