单词 handholds 例句大全,用单词handholds造句:

When Ender reached the corner, Alai had hooked his arms through two adjacent handholds and was pretending to doze.
Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds.
毫不吝惜恰当得拥抱, 亲吻, 轻拍后背, 手拉着手。
The carriage swayed, and we lunged for handholds.
These are the principal spiritual handholds I have found to possess enduring value.
这些便是我所发现的精神支撑点, 它们具有永恒的价值。
Handholds are needed also during the course of everyday life.
在日常生活中, 支撑点也是非常重要的。

单词 handholds 释义

  • 单词释义:握住,把柄,线索( handhold的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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