单词 roughest 例句大全,用单词roughest造句:

In the middle of them, the ancient novel destiny is roughest.
This can help you tide over the roughest patches in life with apparent ease.
He would never refuse to assist a neighbour even in the roughest toil.
遇到邻居要他帮忙, 即使最繁重的工作, 他也从来不拒绝。
He would never refuse to assist a neighbor even in the roughest toil.
遇到邻居要他帮忙, 即使最繁重的工作, 他也从来不会拒绝。
The English Channel is ordinarily one of the roughest places in the world.
英吉利海峡, 平时是世界上风浪最大的海峡之一。
They are famed for their epic voyages across the worlds roughest oceans.
A giant bottle of lotion works on face, body, even the roughest of heels.
一大瓶柔肤液, 可作用于面部, 全身, 甚至是最坚硬粗糙的足跟。

单词 roughest 释义

  • 单词释义:粗糙的( rough的最高级 );粗鲁的;不幸的;粗制的  [更多..]



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