单词 Time After Time 例句大全,用单词Time After Time造句:

Precise torque repeatability with accurate installations time after time.
可反复准确安装数次, 精确的扭矩值具备一定的可重复性。
The challenger wouldn't admit defeat and came back for more punishment time after time.
那挑战者不认输, 常常回过来, 却挨了许多揍。
time after time
一次又一次, 屡次
Time after time.
They got excited time after time and cooled down time after time too.
Burns had escaped from jail time after time.
Original pool filter technology that improve filter time after time into press after filter
Time after time we have warned him.
Time after time we have warned you.
We were robbed time after time.
Time after time you were there for me
一次又一次, 你为我而至
Your eyes close and open again and again, I die and come back time after time.
你眼睛眨呀眨, 我就死去活来千百回。
Time after time he restrained his anger and did not stir up his full wrath.
而且屡次消他的怒气, 不发尽他的忿怒。
It must be something that appeals to you and encourages you to curl up in it time after time.
它必须是能吸引你, 而且能促使你一次次蜷缩到那里。
Thermoplastic materials can be remelted and cooled time after time without undergoing any appreciable chemical change.
Time after time a new filament would produce light for a few moments and then burn up.
一次次, 新的灯丝刚刚产生光, 一会就燃尽了。
She had threatened time after time to leave him.
Do this successfully, time after time, and your main role as copywriter has been done.
日复一日都能做到如此,您主要角色 文案,便成功了。
In financial history they crop up time after time.
Dissatisfaction is the motivator that molds us time after time.
The doctor told him time after time to give up smoking.
Father told me time after time to give up drinking.
But time after time the line came up empty.
If women are clean water,the ones who have fallen in love time after time are footbath water.
The system has proved fallible time after time.
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