单词 Sam 例句大全,用单词Sam造句:

a special teacher who at the same time as a teacher in charge of a class
A milk cow is a female, a bull is a male of the same animal.
奶牛是母牛, 而公牛则是这种同类动物的雄牛。
The invention discloses a sealing packing for a steam chamber of a tire vulcanizer and a method for producing the same.
I already solved the same problem on the Aardvark project a long time ago.
Bruker's Automatic Accessory Recognition AAR automatically recognizes the accessory used for sample measurement.
AB Same as she did, OK.
阿瑟跟她的一样, 好的。
Determination of Total Content of Mercury in Soil Sample by High Temperature Pretreatment cold Vapour Atomic Ab sorption Assay.
But a samurai teaching the abacus?
Learn to use an abacus, and you might even be able to use the same techniques to do rapidfire math in your head.
学习使用算盘, 你还能使用同样技巧在头脑中实现速算。
The same procedure shall be adopted in the event of withdrawal or abandonment of the case.
一旦撤诉或放弃诉讼, 也应当采取同样程序。
You're taking a vengeance for a man that abandoned you just the same!
Now I am the only independent abandon that promise, I will remain the same.
But at the same time, some English native languageaffix instead abandons does not use.
但与此同时, 有些英语本族语的词缀反而废弃不用了。
The problem was that Sampras wasn't willing to abandon his reserve in exchange for understanding.
问题在于, 桑普拉斯不愿意放弃他的低调来寻求理解。
Timelimit Abatement Project ought to Complete in the Same Year.
Air Sampling During Asbestos Abatement of Floor Tile and Mastic
In addition, a certified contractor had carried out asbestos abatement in the same location.
Leaf base rounded, abaxially pale white, margin entire or undulate samara green when young.
叶基部圆形, 背面浅白色, 边缘全缘或波状幼时的翅果绿色。
The common detectors all share the same abbreviation, so the
公共检测器共享同一个缩写, 因此
Several related detectors may be grouped together by sharing the same abbreviation.
I do that next month the abdomen, not the same as you?
At the same time, the pigmented macules on the abdomen were recorded by a digital camera.
After hydrolyzation with with acid the back and abdomen shell yielded 16 same kinds of acid.
After hydrolyzation with with acid the back and abdomen shell yielded 14 same kinds of acid.
Blood samples were obtained from abdominal aorta after treatment, and samples of ovarian tissues were harvested.

单词 Sam 释义

  • 单词释义:萨姆(男子名, Samuel的昵称)  [更多..]



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