单词 returning 例句大全,用单词returning造句:

It is a good idea bec a use tod a y is the de a dline of returning.
好主意, 因为今天是还书的最后日期了。
Earlier this year, it abandoned its target of returning to profitability by2009.
Now again you abandon me, and are returning home. I do not know if hereafter I may expect to have another opportunity of seeing you.
Added dialogue when returning the book to the Abbot, having not been given the quest yet.
Three cases Suffered from Five Sense Organs Disease Treated with Prescription of Returning Qi to the Origin by Abdominal Acupuncture
Abscond is the act of going away without permission OR not returning to the court after being released on bail OR to escape from prison.
潜逃, 失踪。
Soil organic matter would show a downward trend in the absence of straw returning.
Kindly acknowledge your acceptance of the rates with signature by returning fax.
以上价格如能接受, 请签字认可并传真回复。
When returning, Party B shall be subject to the joint inspection acceptance with part a or the administrative office.
Returning results as an associative array is useful if you would like dynamic access to column names.
My true account, lest he returning chide,
全部财富, 以免遭他的责处,
But at least nobody can accuse him of returning from Brussels with a piece of paper in his hand.
Securing the Achievements is the Key of the Success or Failure of Returning the Gain Plots to Forestry
Upon returning to STAPLES Center, they'll host Detroit Pistons with the newly acquired Allen Iverson.
The application of ultrasonic meter for returning activated sludge measurement has been presented in this paper.
Subsoiling returning could significantly increase soil urease activity and sucrase activity.
You can search for borrowing and returning books, the actual operation.
The Actuality and Countermeasure of Development to Mechanized Returning Straws into The Soil
After returning from the Mainland to Hong Kong, I needed some time to adapt to the flashing of magnesium light.
The function of improving phosphate level and the effect of increasing phosphate level or adding dry materials of plant by returning straw to soil directly
I will address some of these important steps before returning to nuclear disarmament.
After returning home, has worked in Longkou, Shandong and Shanghai Customs General Administration of Customs.
This kind of admiring to Dongting lake, is a ideal which include returning and surmounting.
Investigation on Forest Vegetation after Returning Grazing to Forestry and Adoptable Countermeasures
Chivalrous Novels, Adult Rituals and Returning to the Garden of Eden
武侠小说, 成人仪式与重返伊甸园

单词 returning 释义

  • 单词释义:返回,回来( return的现在分词 );恢复;还;归还  [更多..]



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