单词 cooperates 例句大全,用单词cooperates造句:

Cooperates with other accounting staff to perform month ending closing.
Cooperates with Finance Department to assist the customer with financing and accounts receivable conrol.
Operation Differentiate card takes acupuncture point, acupuncture point of the head and limb, truncal Shu cooperates to use.
操作辨证取穴, 头部与四肢, 躯干腧穴配合使用。
Acupuncture and Moxibustion Cooperates with the Point to Inject and Treat Obstinate 32 Cases of Facial Paralysis
This is pardonable what the industry since meeting agitate cooperates in what pay platform to go up before this is general guess.
We anticipated hand in hand cooperates with you, altogether creates magnificently.
我们期待与您携手合作, 共创辉煌。
Simultaneously we sincerely were anticipating cooperates with you, communal development!
同时我们真诚期待着与您合作, 共同发展!
Conventional study furniture cooperates to be decorated compactly, can reflect a lasting appeal more.
Calendar is given priority to with animal picture, the asinine picture that Mr. Zhao cooperates with Huang Zhou is very sapid. Original, mr.
We can give preferential benefit the price, the solid satisfactory service cooperates sincerely with you.
我们会以优惠的价格, 实在的满意的服务与你真诚合作。
Between the standard container berth cooperates the nature competition strategy and the development ponder
The department that has control medium is severally blast, lack cooperates, did not form resultant force.
具有调控手段的部门各自为阵, 缺乏配合, 未形成合力。
Mongolia cooperates closely with its two immediate neighbors in the area of border and customs control.
蒙古在边界和海关管制方面, 同两个近邻密切合作。
The Construction to Brief Talk the Specialty Built Soil Cooperates
Hold out the promise of business for the client if he cooperates.
如客户应许作推荐人, 承诺加强业务合作。
The expectation hand in hand cooperates with various colleagues, altogether creates magnificently!
期望与各同仁携手合作, 共创辉煌!
Marlin inspects each respect condition, offerred the proposal that the country cooperates in all to Comintern.
马林考察各方面情况, 向共产国际提出了国共合作的建议。
Contrary, fast thunder and the commercial pattern that television terminal manufacturer cooperates already showed embryonic form.
I sure hope this weather cooperates.
The hope cooperates hand in hand with you, realizes altogether wins!
The family also cooperates in defence.
China cooperates with Disney in making Monkey King
Beijing UTS International Travel Service Co., Ltd. Cooperates with cruise Costa
The team cooperates good, bears hardships and stands hard work, sense of responsibility.
团队协作佳, 吃苦耐劳, 责任心强。
We're going to have a picnic on saturday, if the weather cooperates.
如果天公作美, 我们星期六将去野餐。

单词 cooperates 释义

  • 单词释义:合作,配合,协助( cooperate的第三人称单数 )  [更多..]



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