单词 more independent 例句大全,用单词more independent造句:

It provides student more independent opportunities in their academic and social studying.
Boards are becoming more independent and professional, rendering the oldstyle strongmen ever more of an anachronism.
如今都故事会愈发独立, 专业, 传统铁腕大亨由此更显落伍。
Going away to college has made me much more independent.
Definitely more independent corroboration is necessary.
a relatively rare disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge
A child who is allowed to wean himself naturally is generally more independent and more secure in himself.
Males as they grow older and approach puberty gradually become more independent from the family group.
公象随着年龄的增长, 接近成熟期后, 逐渐脱离象群。
Phil was now much more independent of his parents.
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单词 more independent 释义

  • 单词释义:自主的( independent的比较级 );不相关连的;无党派的;不相干的人所做的(或提供的)  [更多..]



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