单词 intriguingly 例句大全,用单词intriguingly造句:

Intriguingly, the patients brains were riddled with tangles, but not amyloid plaques.
有趣得是, 患者得大脑中充满了各缠结, 但并没有粉斑。
Intriguingly, there was also a virus that the researchers were unable to classify.
有趣的是, 还有一种研究者们无法分类的病毒。
Intriguingly, the vacuum also enters cosmology as one explanation for dark energy.
很奇特地, 在宇宙论中, 真空也扮演著暗能量的角色。
Intriguingly, similar ideas crop up in mainstream theories.
Intriguingly, some people seem to bemore efficient at thermogenesis than others.
有趣的是, 有些人似乎在生热作用方面比其他人更有效。
Intriguingly, what they do is they actually transmit the parasites when they're laying the eggs.

单词 intriguingly 释义



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