单词 itches 例句大全,用单词itches造句:

Utterly destitute after being abandoned, Tesla was forced to dig ditches.
遭受遗弃得特士拉穷愁潦倒, 只好去挖水沟。
This monster has but half a nose, and it itches most abominably. The chains are too short for me to scratch it.
While driving on the bumpy section of the road, he switches on the shock-absorbers.
It is a sort of special power supply equipment for threephase AC point machine on speed accelerated switches.
By using various accessories, it can be used for special measurements, such as pitches of male threads and female threads.
利用各种随机附件, 亦可进行内外螺纹中径等多种特殊测量。
German town ditches traffic lights to cut accidents
Controlled flooding may be accomplished from field ditches or by use of borders, checks, or basins.
有控制的满灌可以通过沟渠, 槽口和盆地进行引导。
Wang said he felt in control of all of his pitches and slowed his pace accordingly.
王说他今天投得得心应手, 并且顺势放慢步调。
It is women who are mostly accused of being witches for various reasons.
Two sisters told him they had been falsely accused of being witches and were going to be burned alive.
一对姐妹告诉他, 她们被诬控为女巫, 而且将被活活烧死。
I've come to apologize for acting too big for my britches.
Soft switches are activated when any part of your block presses it.
圆开关, 当您的块的任何部分按它时就激活。
Then select the stitches layer again so that it is the active layer.
The torque arm will actuate the switches in open and closed positions.
Reed sensors are magnetically actuated proximity switches available in a variety of mounting options.
The Influence of the Time for Stitches Removal after Penetrating Keratoplasty on Naked Visual Acuity.
This will add more depth and dimension to the stitches.
Edit a pattern by adding and deleting rows and placing and deleting stitches.
可以加入或删除行, 确定或者删除针法。
It took 200 stitches internally and an additional 21 staples outside.
This exquisite embroidery won people's great admiration. a piece of needlework demonstrating skill with various stitches.
She admitted that she signed the book and said there were several other witches looking to destroy the Puritans.
To frighten away evil spirits, both adults and children wore scary costumes as witches and ghosts.
离开惊吓邪恶的精神, 成人和孩子穿著了容易受惊的装束。
Process testing of aerators in oxidation ditches.
Longan witches broom agent
Paulownia witches broom agent

单词 itches 释义

  • 单词释义:痒( itch的名词复数 );渴望,热望  [更多..]



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