单词 jumped 例句大全,用单词jumped造句:

Then it felt like something just jumped up and bit me. Aah! Something bit me!
The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms with abandon.
They were so excited that they jumped and shouted with abandon.
Jumped the sinking roma ship and hopped aboard the milan bandwagon?
Over 1298 manufacturers have jumped on aboard the energy bandwagon.
Just as he jumped aboard the van, the bees gave up the chase and returned to their nest.
他跳上车, 蜜蜂停止了追逐, 返回了蜂巢。
The diesels roared, the conductors jumped aboard, and off the train went.
内燃机发出轰鸣声, 列车员跳上车厢, 火车开走了。
After some hesitation, George jumped aboard and contributed heavily to the campaign.
犹豫了一番后, 乔治终于捐出了许多钱支持该运动。
He jumped over into cochefilet lane. ah, the abomination! He has stolen our silver!
The train jumped the track and there was a terrible accident.
这列火车出了轨, 造成了严重事故。
He said to her I accompany you to forget. Jump, jumped into the river.
他对她说我陪你一起忘。纵身一跃, 也跳进忘川里。
The elephant felt ache and jumped into the river with a cry.
大象吃痛, 嗷的一声跳进河中。
Drouet pounded his hands until they ached. Then he jumped up again and started out.
杜洛埃把手掌都拍疼了, 然后他跳了起来, 往后台走去。
The boy jumped across the puddle.
He jumped his horse across the stream.
He took a flying leap and jumped across the stream.
The needle jumped across the dial.
The jobs ? The government says product activity productivity jumped in July, August and September.
To our amusement, the actor jumped on and off the stage.
令我们感到有趣的是, 那个演员从舞台跳上跳下。
Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry.
Occasionally jumped out singer or quiver ! America , Click on the additional incentives
偶尔也会跳出静香或者哆啦美, 点击的话有额外奖励呢!
We will dinghy dock, so I jumped ashore and seize ADJOINING hand outstretched hand, She is also a widening Fung Piru like my arms.
The moment he heard the news, he jumped up and shouted slogans without any ado.
他一听到这个消息, 他就跳起来, 立马就喊起口号来!
The Goat thought well of this advice, and jumped down into the well.
山羊仔细考虑了一下狐狸的建议, 然后就跳进井里了。
To commemorate the Aegean king, he jumped into the sea and this is called the Aegean sea.
为了纪念爱琴国王, 他跳入的那片海, 从此就叫爱琴海。

单词 jumped 释义

  • 单词释义:跳( jump的过去式和过去分词 );跳过;快速移动;(因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动  [更多..]



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