单词 Later 例句大全,用单词Later造句:

A request for a repeat of an invitation for a later date
Twenty years later in a day, a moment, a second, a sudden standstill.
在二十年后的某一天, 某一刻, 某一秒, 突然停滞。
The loan officer, taken aback, requested collateral.
The abandoned channel micro facies of fluvial reservoir blocks the fluid in the lateral.
河流相储层得废弃河道微相, 在侧向上对流体起隔挡作用。
Five years later, he abandoned medicine to become editor of the Leeds Times, following the successful publication of several of his articles about self-improvement.
The capitain captain ordered passengers and crew to abandon abandon ship about an hour later.
I was detested by my father and abandoned by him later.
Later we walked to an abandoned silo.
Later we walked to an abandoned silo.
But he is abandoned again by foster parents later.
但是过了不多久, 他再次被养父母所抛弃。
Perhaps I abandoned a wife, denounced another again later
也许我抛弃了一个老婆, 后来又讨了另一个呢
The captain ordered passengers included and crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
一小时后, 船长命令乘客和船员弃船。
The captain order ordered passengers incurs and crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
一小时后, 船长组织乘客以小队方式弃船。
They found her abandoned boat two months later adrift near France.
The captain ordered passengers and crews crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
大约一小时后, 船长下令乘客与船员弃船逃走。
The captain ordered passengers and crew to abandon ship about a an hour later.
大约一个小时候, 船长命令乘客和船员弃船逃生。
The captain ordered passengers and crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
Since then he abandon dream of entering university and came home in Shandong. Later I did never heard of him again.
Capsule with large abaxial wing, lateral wings absent or reduced to very narrow lamellae.
Leaflet blade abaxially with lateral vein axils not crinite.
Leaflet blade abaxially with lateral vein axils yellowish crinite.
Leaflet blade abaxially pale, lateral veins 67 pairs, axils yellowish crinite.
Leaves abaxially tomentose on midvein and lateral veins, basally rounded to truncate.
叶背面被绒毛的在中脉和侧脉上, 基部圆形的到截形。
Leaf blade with lateral veins abaxially conspicuous. Upper lobe of corolla apparently without flecks.
Stigmas truncate, thickly margined on lateral sides and abaxially, shortly beaked in front, beak horizontal.

单词 Later 释义



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