单词 MINIS 例句大全,用单词MINIS造句:

A rod from a birch, used to administer a whipping.
桦树的嫩枝, 用作教鞭
a rod from a birch, used to administer a whipping.
桦树得嫩枝, 用作教鞭。
Aaron must wear it when he ministers.
Moses consecrates Aaron and his four sons to minister in the tabernacle.
In those days the ark of the covenant of God was there, with Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, ministering before it.
She'd abandoned music and graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in business administration.
当时她已经放弃音乐梦想, 并从休士顿大学的企管系毕业了。
I presume that the minister has already reported the abandonment of Smolensk to the enemy.
我想, 那位大臣已经报告了斯摩棱斯克落入敌手的消息。
The normal channels of administration were abandoned.
And their goal seems to be to bully the Obama administration into abandoning those rescue efforts.
In the process of creating the amero, the Bush administration just abandons the dollar.
在这个过程中创造阿梅罗, 布希政府刚刚放弃美元。
go down, decrease, lessen, reduce, abate, diminish, subside, landing
下降, 减少, 着陆,
He abdicated the throne in 1955 to play an active political role as Prime Minister.
Treatment of the muscle absence of the lower abdomen by restoring with everted and shifted obliquus externus abdominis
Abdominal rectus abdominis electromyogram.
Administration on Umbilicus With Scallion Stalk to Promote the Enterocinesia After Abdominal Operation.
The external oblique abdominal muscles lie alongside the rectus abdominis to cover the remainder of the front of the waist, the sides of the waist, and part of the back waist.
SINCE becoming prime minister last September, Shinzo Abe has done plenty of travelling.
Abe has kept mum on whether he will visit as prime minister.
Mr. Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister.
Mister Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister.
Mr Abe, who is seen as a nationalist, took over as prime minister a year ago.
安倍先生, 他们是被视为民族主义者, 接手担任总理一年前。
By championing this one cause, Mr.Abe rose from obscurity to become prime minister three months ago.
通过支持这样的话题, 安倍从身份低微到三个月前成为首相。
When they and administrative leadership opinion are abhorrent, want to allow to withhold different opinion.
The nurses and nursing administrators should study and understand laws and abide by them in nursing practice.
In Abidjan, the mission had met with the President and the Prime Minister.

单词 MINIS 释义

  • 单词释义:multipurpose interactive NASA information system 美国宇航局多用途交互式信息系统  [更多..]



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