单词 more sensible 例句大全,用单词more sensible造句:

It would seem more sensible to apply standards flexibly rather than rigidly.
A more sensible solution would be to bias the lock towards the looping thread.
Comparison of two phase, dedicated much more sensible than pessimistic.
两相比较, 执著当然比悲观明智得多。
Your attentiveness and consideration make me more sensible of my own neglect.
Full consolidation so as to the time space for a more sensible course of action.
Prevention is always more sensible and less costly than cure.
预防总是比治疗更明智, 而且花费更少。
I gave him credit for being a more sensible fellow.
Well, other than being older and wiser and a lot more sensible.
So it may be more sensible to disconnect some of the pieces than to join too many together.
因此, 将各个部分拆开也许比合在一起更明智。
But04 of us seemed more sensible, many students do not pass the election metalwork.
On the surface, foreign war in ess seems more sensible.
表面上看, 国外投资人的警觉更敏感。
eg. It would be far more sensible to make plans for fiscal retrenchment that are explicitly contingent on how the economy recovers.
Youre just starting your farming business. It would be much more sensible for you to marry a woman with money.
Germany is even more sensible, with the federal staggering their summer holidays.
德国甚至更为明智, 联邦政府将放暑假的时间错开安排。
The former option would be much more sensible.
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单词 more sensible 释义

  • 单词释义:sensible(明智的)的比较级形式  [更多..]



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