单词 preset time 例句大全,用单词preset time造句:

He preset the video recorder at the desired time.
Does anything happen automatically at a preset time
They then count back automatically from the preset time.
然后, 他们回到计数自动从预设的时间。
The reduced voltage start time is controlled by a preset timer.
and receiving next frame component data if the preset time does not arrive.
若否, 接收下一帧元器件数据。
You need not manually start the application preset time startup is available.
If the dewatering time exceeds a preset time, the dewatering cock is automatically closed.
若放水时间超过预设时间, 放水龙头自动关闭
When a game time elapses, the watch automatically counts backwards again from the preset time.
This operation is repeated at regular intervals of time, which are preset by message generator79.
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单词 preset time 释义

  • 单词释义:预定时间,给定时间  [更多..]



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