单词 preside over 例句大全,用单词preside over造句:

You will preside over the laying of the cornerstone same speech as last Monday.
When the Assembly holds its meeting, the chairman shall preside over the Assembly.
会员大会召开会议时, 理事长担任会议主席。
The Speaker deemed the session illegal and did not preside over its deliberations.
Preside over management review. Evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of QMS.
A pair of large stone lions preside massively over the approach to the Summer Palace.
We are happy that you have been detained for a day to preside over this Council meeting.
He has also continued to preside over annual shareholder meetings, a lit cigarette in hand.
他还继续主持年度股东大会, 一支点燃的香烟在手。
We are confident that he will preside with great skill and efficiency over our deliberations.
If she is going to preside over the dancing party and need some help, Ill be at her disposal.
如果她打算主持舞会并需要帮助, 我将听其调遣。
The chairman of the board of supervisors shall convene and preside over the meeting of the board
We very much appreciate her gesture and desire to attend and preside over this important meeting.
The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall also preside over the meetings of the Conference.
I also wish to congratulate the President very warmly on his election to preside over our debates.
We congratulate you, Sir, and your friendly country on your election to preside over this session.
The Premier shall convene and preside over the plenary and executive meetings of the State Council.
Standing chairmen shall be elected by the Presidium to convene and preside over meetings of the Presidium.
I would point out that I am at the top of my profession, while you preside over the kiddy table of yours.
The school principal had arrived to preside over the event and to present the trophy to the eventual winners.
学校校长主持了颁奖活动, 并把冠军奖杯颁给获奖者。
And I thought, if I'm going to, get involved in this thing, then they also need to agree, that I preside over it.
我觉得,要是我想参与其中 他们得承认我的权威性
The central military committees, director of general political department Li Jinai attend and preside over conference.
What is the speakers task in the house of commons A his task is to preside over the house and enforce the rules of order.
The premier shall convene and preside over the plenary sessions of the State Council and executive meetings of the State Council.
七, 总理召集和主持国务院全体会议和国务院常务会议。
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单词 preside over 释义

  • 单词释义:主持(会议、仪式等);管理,对(某事物)负有责任  [更多..]



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