单词 reading lamp 例句大全,用单词reading lamp造句:

The new reading lamp broke two days after I bought it.
She turned the silver candlestick into a reading lamp.
He clamped the reading lamp onto the edge of the table.
Next to the call button, there is the reading lamp switch.
在呼叫按钮旁边, 有一个阅读灯的开关。
She had a reading lamp in case she woke up in the night and was frightened.
Each compartment has two cushioned bunk beds and a desk with a reading lamp on it.
Reference books, stationery, and reading lamp are all arranged properly on the desk.
书桌上排放着台灯, 文具和工具书。
Beside the bed there is a bedside cabinet, on which there is usually a reading lamp.
床边有床头柜, 上面通常放一盏台灯。
By unfolding it up to make it a reading lamp, Good for bedroom and traveling lighting.
In sleeping rooms an electric reading lamp should be installed at the head of each berth.
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