单词 reach back 例句大全,用单词reach back造句:

Reach back across the years
We reach back to hallowed antiquity.
This custom can reach back Tang Dynasty.
Go ahead and reach way back for the fresh milk.
要买鲜牛奶, 就一直往前走, 拿到后再往回走。
Please reach back and pass me the pepper caster.
I had to knock the branches back to reach the hut.
Please hook my dress up at the back, I cant reach.
请帮我把衣服背后的扣子扣好, 我够不着。
He passes the flyer back to you. You reach for the door.
他把传单返还给我, 你去那扇门。
Would you please reach back and pass me the book behind you.
The speakers voice couldnt reach to the back of the auditorium.
The speaker's voice couldn't reach to the back of the auditorium.
He was dirty and stinky, because he could not reach to wash his back.
Dumbbell exercises allow you to reach and melt away stubborn back fat.
Just when the sea is about to reach shore, man turned back and ran away.
在海到达岸边之前, 那人竟头也不回的跑掉了。
to reach back and turn a knob and adjust the headrest to put it in position.
伸到背后去拧一个把手 来调节头靠的位置。
Let us reach the Huanglong, the two emperors back, and then we drink beer, also!
让我们打到黄龙, 把两个皇帝接回来, 然后我们喝啤酒, 也!
If you reach back carefully, you can pass me the book from the shelf behind you.
如果你小心向后仰, 可以从你身后的书架上将书递给我。
Even less compelling beliefs reach back into a person's past and forward into his future.
Front and rear legs reach well forward and extend well back, achieving long clean strides.
Namely delays until the abdomen, the back, the pate by the lower limb upward trough to reach extends.
If you can insert your hand between the back of the chair and the wall, you may be able to reach the letter that fell
Epstein opened his back, exposing the gray-colored membrane that covers the spinal cord, and cut through that to reach the cord itself.
At the back of rachis by each vertebral vertebra bend, vertebra board, horizontal stroke dash forward reach spine dash forward composition.
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