单词 real mode 例句大全,用单词real mode造句:

This mode may more possibly accord with the real chromosome structure.
In order to make a deposit, you must create a real money mode account.
为了做存款, 您必须开一个玩真钱方式的帐户。
The Flak Troopers secondary mode is a real threat to your enemy when used correctly.
Data movement can be accomplished in batch mode, as well as real-time interactive mode.
When real time mode is switched on, you will not be able to alter the map time or date manually.
An equation of the relationship between the variation of curvature mode, damage position and damage degree of the single sample is obtained by making regression analysis on the experimental data, which can be used to detect the real single damage accurately and easily.
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单词 real mode 释义

  • 单词释义:实模式;实址方式  [更多..]



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