单词 pharmaceuticals 例句大全,用单词pharmaceuticals造句:

Thinking of Separation of Accounting and Management of Medical Service and Pharmaceuticals Sales
浅谈对医药分开核算, 分别管理的思考
The odour and taintneutral boards are also suitable for packaging chocolate and pharmaceuticals.
It is now utilised in the packaging of everything from pharmaceuticals and soap, to ready meals.
Of course, Indian officials are worried that counterfeiting will taint its pharmaceuticals industry.
Coil for round jars, approved hygiene standards of the food industry, pharmaceuticals and biological.
Compensation of the cost of pharmaceuticals is the third type of benefit covered by health insurance.
Those without the Import Pharmaceuticals Customs Form shall not be permitted to pass through customs.
无进口药品通关单的, 海关不得放行。
The invention belongs to the field of medicine and pharmacology, and is Pharmaceuticals oral granule.
The production or sale of fake or substandard pharmaceuticals may also result in criminal prosecution.
Scientists have already recognized toilets as the biggest source of pharmaceuticals in the environment.
Usage Used for electronic ceramics, fluorescent paint, catalyst containing bismuth, pharmaceuticals etc.
用途用于电子陶瓷, 荧光涂料, 含铋催化剂及医药品。
The progress on supercritical fluid chromatography using in preparative chiral pharmaceuticals is summarized.
摘要综述了 超临界流体 色谱应用于手性药物的进展。
Perhaps the only safe job at the top of the pharmaceuticals industry today is that of interim chief executive.
或许, 如今制药行业唯一安全的高层工作是临时总裁吧。
Pharmaceuticals which has methoxy can degrade to yield methanol if the headspace oven temperature is too high.
Tibetan pharmaceuticals production is developing quickly too. Now, there are three Tibetan medicine factories.
Studies on the Determination of Cadmium in Tibetan Pharmaceuticals by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Students of this field engage in immunological research, genetic engineering, and the development of pharmaceuticals.
In the present paper, the single point kinetic method for predicting the shelflife of pharmaceuticals is established.
The examples include the analysis of pariculate contamination in paint, polymers, paper, aeronautics, pharmaceuticals, and medicine.
实例包括染料 张 行器,品中的颗粒污染分析。
One pharmaceuticals industry analyst said that in the last week of December, sales of Tamiflu in the U.S. market had reached 77,000 prescriptions, just ahead of Relenza's 75,000.

单词 pharmaceuticals 释义

  • 单词释义:医药品;药物( pharmaceutical的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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