单词 political power 例句大全,用单词political power造句:

Large militaristic legions were formed and gained the edge in covert political persuasion and power.
The United Nations does not deserve the insinuations from the Sudanese political leadership in power.
In the meantime, people who might be successful entrepreneurs choose instead to seek political power.
The perfect courtier thrives in a world where everything revolves around power and political dexterity.
She therefore recommended establishment of a ministry for equal opportunities with real political power.
因此, 她建议设立一个有政治实权的促进机会平等部。
A New Research on the Conflict between the Gentry and Political Power in the Struggle for Rice in Changsha
It had required a coalition of the whole world to destroy the power his political inspiration had contrived.
Dou Wu, being the relatives of Emperor Ling on the side of his wife, became the backer of the political power.
Simple Remark on the Evolution of the South Political Group in the Power Structure in the Period of Sui Dynasty
The great object of the political economy of every country, is to increase the riches and power of that country.
The tropism of administration in universities is the centralization of political or power and bureaucrat management.
The power a political party is allowed to exercise should correspond closely to the proportion of votes it receives.
Identification and RepulseModern Restructure of Marxist Discourse Power from the Perspective of Political Legitimacy
The characteristic of political power structure within the alliance was concentration of power like Buddhist pagoda.
The government must have the political will to resolve the fundamental problems of power sharing and democratisation.
Where we have to deal with the enemy, we can establish revolutionary organs of political power with a dual character.
在不能不应付敌人的地方, 可以建立革命的两面政权。
What is the relationship between the party in power and the party that participated in government and political affairs.
The power of approval should be in the hands of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee,not the Ministry of Finance.
And yet that energy and power of architecture has driven an entire social and political space that these buildings occupy.
但建筑的精神和力量 领导着这些社会和政治
On Relations between the Teachers'Personality Magic Power and the Political Theories in Ideology and Political Lesson Attraction
Emperor Cheng entrusted the relatives of his mother whose surname was Wang with state political power, which was on the decline.
Success and Failure of Political Mobilization Slogans and the Growth and Decline of the Power of the Taiping Troops and the Hunan Troops
The Huang Taiji Period was the important stage that the Qing Dynasty political power turned from armed administration to literary administration.
The Difficult Choices Between the Doctrine of Confucianism and the Autocratic Political Power in the Confucian Scholars in the Early Days of the Han Dynasty
the range of a supersonic jet the ambit of municipal legislation within the compass of this article within the scope of an investigation outside the reach of the law in the political orbit of a world power.
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