单词 polar bear 例句大全,用单词polar bear造句:

The melting has already threatened native animals like the polar bear.
融化已经在影响着当地动物, 像北极熊。
Polar bear cub Knut met the visitors for the first time in Berlin zoo.
A polar bear leaps off of ice near Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic.
Knut was only about four years old, a young adult by polar bear standards.
A polar bear leaps off of sea ice near Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic.
The Eskimos eat the flesh of polar bear and make clothes of its splendid fur.
The polar bear is a cunning predator, hunting seals, walruses, and beluga whales.
A polar bear may sit for hours at a breathing hole, waiting for a seal to surface.
Polar bear Knut takes a bath in his outdoor enclosure at the zoo in Berlin, Germany.
The polar bear is the world's largest land carnivore, an animal native to the Arctic.
First, the polar bear doesn't adapt to the environment of forests in the temperate zone.
We assume its the same polar bear that was pictured with a bucket on his head last week.
Arctic sea ice is also disappearing, reducing the territory of the polar bear's seal prey.
Hush little polar bear. Sleep in the snow, and dream of the places where sleeping bears go.
安静的小北极熊。睡在雪地里, 梦着她想去的地方。
The kangaroo comes from Australia, the polar bear from the Aretic, and the wolf from Europe.
袋鼠来自澳大利亚, 北极熊来自北极, 狼来自欧洲。
Classmates the burst into laughter, the teacher tells young actor south Africa cannot find polar bear.
同学们都哄堂大笑, 老师告诉小优南非是找不到北极熊的。
Geological Survey wildlife research biologist in Anchorage, Alaska, and leader of the polar bear studies.
他目前在阿拉斯加安克雷奇, 从事着北极熊研究的领导工作。
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