单词 over dressing 例句大全,用单词over dressing造句:

And stick a pressure dressing over it.
I said, and leaned over to grab my dressing gown.
我问他, 随手弯下身子拉了一把睡衣。
Drizzle the remaining dressing over the duck and salad.
Smooth over cleansed skin and allow to absorb before dressing.
涂抹在洁净肌肤上, 待肌肤彻底吸收后再穿上衣服。
But late that night, she noticed the dressing over the stitches was wet.
He put a dressing on the wound, and having stuck plaster over it went away.
Dry fry the ham cubes over a low heat for 5 minutes and add the ham to the dressing.
Thickly slice the warm potatoes and add to a serving bowl, then pour over the dressing.
将土豆切成后片放到大碗里, 倒入调味汁。
When I started to lecture him on the importance of dressing changes, he leaned over to interrupt.
For open fractures, place a piece of gauze or dressing over the injured part before bandaging the wound.
The King sent over a package of powder for dressing the wounds together with a cup of ginseng soup for easing pain.
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