单词 overwhelming majority 例句大全,用单词overwhelming majority造句:

On that particular May day, the overwhelming majority of the protesting barristers were men.
五一劳动节那天, 绝大多数游行示威的高级律师都是男子。
The overwhelming majority, including those who were obsessed by factionalism, were redeemable.
The interests of the overwhelming majority of the people are the vital and most decisive factor.
The parliament has voted by an overwhelming majority to suspend its declaration of independence.
The overwhelming majority of Chancery Students who take these exams pass with exceptional results.
The overwhelming majority high school graduates could not enter the Institute of higher education.
The overwhelming majority of comrades here are familiar with these fine principles and traditions.
This is augmented by the firm desire of the overwhelming majority of Singaporeans to keep it that way.
此外, 国人都强烈的希望保持现有的情况。
The overwhelming majority of the victims have been unarmed civilians, in particular women and children.
Statistics indicated that the overwhelming majority bond fund since this year realizes the income at present.
据统计, 目前绝大多数债券基金今年以来实现正收益。
Governing the Country for the People and Realizing the Fundamental Interests of the Overwhelming Majority of the People
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