单词 over arm 例句大全,用单词over arm造句:

The Devil comes over to the Republican and lays an arm on his neck.
Charles was sleeping, his head leaning over one arm of the old armchair.
查理睡着, 脑袋倒在旧靠椅外面。
Gives equations for calculating when a machine with an arm will tip over.
Reaching over the arm of my chair I shake Manfred by the scruff of his neck.
Lift the bar off the up rights, and hold it at arm's length over your chest.
A veil is caught up in her right arm and draped over her head and left shoulder.
一袭面纱挽在右臂, 从头上顺左肩垂下。
He turned over, burying his face in his arm and there he lay, still and motionless.
The arm that holds the readwrite head and moves back and forth over the surface of a dis k.
David Beckham has had an unsightly 0ftlong tattoo etched over the entire surface of his right arm.
Margaret arched her shoulders, flung one arm over the side, and trailed her fingertips in the water.
玛格丽特拱起肩膀, 将一支胳膊放在一侧, 指尖垂在水中。
To take an accurate reading, first position the green marker directly over the artery on the inside of your arm.
采取正确阅读, 首位绿色标记的动脉内直接对你手臂。
With your arm still outstretched, turn your hand over so that it faces the sky. Release your hand and the coin still rests on your open palm.
The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair. Its muscles are such that it is quits incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm.
其制作如此精巧, 几乎可以以假乱真。
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