单词 ripe for 例句大全,用单词ripe for造句:

The political climate was ripe for constitutional reform.
To make a long story short, the plan is ripe for execution.
When chestnuts were ripe I laid up half a bushel for winter.
The time is therefore ripe for us to heighten our awareness.
Every time you turn green with envy you are ripe for trouble.
每次当你嫉妒的起劲之际, 你就准备面对麻烦了。
The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.
There are tons of enemies here, each of which is ripe for conquest.
四周都是大量的敌人, 都对你虎视耽耽。
Any law that discriminates against gays could be ripe for reversal.
When turning ripe, you must redden, for red is the true colour of life.
He will rest there until the time is ripe for the doing of mighty deeds.
When their linseed is ripe for harvest the hemp is in bloom in our field.
When their linseed is ripe for harvest the hemp is in bloom in our field.
And yet the time was ripe for artifacts that gave personality to a workplace.
The time is certainly ripe for entrepreneurial approaches to social problems.
Acoustic logging and density logging are the ripe and conventional techniques for gas finding.
She holds a sheaf of ripe rice or a bowl of rice seed as a metaphor for fertility and sustenance.
The Key Points for the Technology of the Protective Farming of the Simultaneously Ripe System of Rice and Mustard Tuber
We look forward with more keenness to the next reunion, at which, when it takes place at a time ripe for us, we will not be coy.
我们更加期待下次聚会, 到时我们将会更成熟, 不再惺惺作态。
Iron bowl urgent fire fries ovine liver of right amount cooking oil, salt, gourmet powder, the liver that wait for a sheep is fried to eight maturity, put leek to be fried in all, ripe hind edible.
铁锅急火炒羊肝, 待羊肝炒至八成熟, 放入韭菜共炒, 熟后食用。
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单词 ripe for 释义

  • 单词释义:时机成熟,准备就绪  [更多..]



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