单词 road rage 例句大全,用单词road rage造句:

When driving to work, what would he do about road rage?
开车上班时碰到了粗暴的驾驶行为, 佛会怎么处理呢?
Never take the other driver personally as the person only acting on road rage instinct.
不要太过敏感, 失控驾驶者只是天性如此, 不是针对某个人。
This article about the rise in the incidents of road rage attracted considerable public concern.
Some crazy old man with severe road rage tried to tailgate me today. I got tired of him following me, so I pulled over onto the shoulder and got out of my car. When he saw I was a big dude, he went back into his car without saying a word and sped off *smh*
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