单词 ripped (off) 例句大全,用单词ripped (off)造句:

They ripped off the door so that the the hyenas would get her at night.
She ripped off one end of the thick envelope and pulled out the letter.
她撕开厚信封的一端, 抽出了信。
He ripped off his pants'legs to the knees and bound them about his feet.
Those kids ripped off two boxes of sweets while the shopkeeper wasn't looking.
The financier ripped off his lifelong friends and clients with callous precision.
With nothing to eat, some resorted to eating bark they had ripped off support beams.
I bought some hot merchandise and got ripped off. The robbers divided up their spoils.
This book is incomplete, and the secondary one with its second primary chronicle ripped off by someone.
这本书是残次品, 本纪第二已经被人撕掉了。
The lady came home from her errands, only to see the door ripped off its hinges and a corpse lying in the doorway.
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