单词 room service 例句大全,用单词room service造句:

On Teaching of Service and Management of Reception Desk and Guest Room
谈前厅, 客房服务与管理课程教学
This coupon only covers the room charges plus the tax and service charges.
I am room attendant. May I come in? In our hotel, room service is not extra
我是客房服务员, 我可以进来吗?本宾馆不另收客房服务费
Room 103, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai
Waiting time for fitting room affects your perception of the service quality.
A romanitic getaway just for two with nothing but room service and satin sheets.
The Characteristic Service of Reference Room at new Situation of Higher Education
Please get contact with the service counter. The clerks there deal with room changing.
The hotel wasn't very good and lacked a lot of amenities like room service and a safe.
Small but clean, chic room. Fantastic location and friendly service. Highly recommended!
Talking about the Service of the Department Reference Room of University in the New Era.
Each room provide shoe polishing, please contact HouseKeeping if you need extra service.
Check the cleanliness and tidiness of luggage storage room and concierge service counter.
You may dial 7 to call the room service section to order your breakfast, lunch or dinner.
The above room rates are inclusive of buffet breakfast, service charge and Government tax.
有关房价包括早餐, 服务费, 政府税。
Provide the service of information office, conference room, typewriting and duplication, etc.
提供信息厅, 会议室, 打字, 复印等服务。
Safe deposit box and electronic lock system, offer service of giving the meal in the guest room.
Lyn Shiery, a computer teacher in the regular school, points to a service room behind his classroom.
Princesa Parcs spa centre features a steam room, a massage service, a hydromassage pool and a jacuzzi.
温泉中心设有蒸气室, 按摩服务, 按摩池和按摩池。
The routine work divides into the outpatient service, the hospital ward and dialysis room several parts.
日常工作分为门诊, 病房及透析室几部分。
As my graduation internship I worked as an assistant to a manager of Room Service Department in White Swan Hotel.
Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is confined to the pricier Westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel room.
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单词 room service 释义

  • 单词释义:房间服务部,服务到屋  [更多..]



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