单词 rock system 例句大全,用单词rock system造句:

Application on a flexibility protection system in the dangerous rock's theatment in a water power station
Research on Stability and Support Measures of Crossing Point in Mine Soft Rock Roadway of Deep Third System
Based on the rock dynamic destabilizing phenomena, the mechanical model of two rocks system was established.
Combined Support System of Bolt, Wire Mesh and Shotcrete Applied in Mine Soft Rock Large Cross Section Crossing Point
The evolution of the basin sedimentary system in the basin has formed five sets of reservoirs and cap rock assemblages.
盆地沉积体系的演化, 在纵向上构成了五套储盖组合。
Lichuan synclinorium from Silurian System to Triassic System has 7 combinations of oil source rock, reservoir and cap rock.
When the oreforming mother rock body intrude in Cambrian system and later stratums, they are all not forming the industry mineral deposit.
The circulatory system of the pulp is reverse direction and the hob bit scatter at the plate as double helix for the remove of the rock residue.
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