单词 roll in 例句大全,用单词roll in造句:

On the office desk was a paper towel roll and an ashtray with 8 cigarette butts in the ashtray.
办公桌上有一卷纸巾和一个烟灰缸, 缸内有8枚烟头。
Considerations about Doing Well in School Roll Archives Management in Colleges and Universities
Calculation Analysis of Effect of Pitch and Roll in Wheeled Vehicle on Radar Antenna Directivity
Calculation of roll torque in effect of ablation lag for spinning blunted cone at angles of attack
Corning is accomplished by breaking up the press cakes into grains, usually in roll corning mills.
Influence of Using Smooth Roll or Fluted Roll in the Reduction System on Flour Yield and Ash Content
The application of quartz ceramics roll in silicon steel continuous annealing furnace was introduced.
Measuring roll or built in scraping knife may choose to use in accordance with production requirements.
A stripper is arranged in front of the leveling roll. A wool brush roll is arranged above the stripper.
To hit a golf ball in a high arc with backspin so that it does not roll very far after striking the ground.
Roll eccentricity is a problem not to be ignored for strip gauge control in high accuracy cold rolling mill.
ADI, Attitude Direction Indicator, An electronic display of airplane attitude inFORMation in pitch and roll.
姿态指引仪, 用来显示飞机的俯仰姿态和坡度的电子显示。
Accordingly, a link is provided between the roll stabilization arrangement and the camber adjustment arrangement in the motor vehicle.
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单词 roll in 释义

  • 单词释义:滚滚而来;拥有大量(钱财)  [更多..]



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